After The Exit
After The Exit
#3 - Post-Exit Life & Alternative Investing

#3 - Post-Exit Life & Alternative Investing

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Post Exit, do you go bigger? Do you enjoy life? What's next?

Our guest today explains his thought process. We went through a bunch of topics around:

  • Alternative & angel investing

  • Portfolio allocations

  • Using a wealth manager or not

  • How to spend an earnout (time-wise)

  • Getting mentally motivated again

You sold your business, and have liquidity.. now what? We dive deep to make the process easier. Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

After The Exit
After The Exit
You sell your company and receive a windfall. Maybe you’re a higher earner and have saved enough to reach FatFire. Hopefully a huge amount, more than you can ever imagine.
Now what? How do you preserve your wealth, use concierge services, and craft the lifestyle you want? This show, After The Exit, brings on guests who have experienced the same to share what they learned and help others through the process.